May 2021

Levi’s® Creative Post-Producer Silvia Llopis and her newborn baby NicoLevi’s® Creative Post-Producer Silvia Llopis and her newborn baby Nico

In March 2020, Levi’s® Creative Post-Producer Silvia Llopis shared some big news with her team. Two days later, the lockdowns closed down our San Francisco HQ. On September 9th, 2020, she gave birth to baby Nico, and the world was forever changed. These days, she’s been juggling the responsibilities of being a new mom and working from home, all the while staying peak comfortable. This, in her own words, is what she’s wearing.

Here, Nico’s wearing a hand-me-down Trucker Jacket from his cousin and some jeggings. And I’m wearing a Trucker that I’ve had for a while and some Levi’s® Made & Crafted® Barrel Jeans that I love. They’re a size too large for me, but they’re kind of wonderful and really comfy. I was going to wear one of my favorite pieces, this Men’s SilverTab™ Overall with blue and white stripes for the photos… but it’s really hard to have a photoshoot by yourself with a 6-month-old.

Silvia Llopis and baby Nico wearing a hand-me-down Levi's Trucker Jacket from his cousin

My style has definitely evolved since I became a mother, especially since I became a mother during COVID. I’ve been wearing lots of comfortable clothing, like stretchy pants and sweats. I also wear lots of bandanas.

My mom’s never really been a super girly girl and didn’t raise me like that. I had two older brothers and no sisters. I was influenced by my brothers and would wear hand-me-downs from them. My mom kind of always let me do my own thing. I remember being really excited once when she let me dress myself when I was little. I picked out my brother’s muscle tee with three motorcycles on it and some green biker shorts. I remember being super stoked on that outfit.

For my first Mother’s Day, my babes will be meeting my mom for the first time! I can’t wait to see my mom and eat her cooking! She’s gonna make us arroz y frijoles con yuca frita and her mango trees will have fully ripened fruit when we arrive.

😋 🤤

Silvia Llopis and her baby Nico

I got pregnant in December, when the pandemic hit, I wasn’t even showing, I’d just told folks two days before we had to leave the office. Then I gave birth in September. His birthday’s 9/9/2020. Actually, he was born on that day that was orange.

A lot of moms will comment, “Wow, it must be wild becoming a mom in the pandemic.” I guess it is, but I’ve never had a baby outside of this, so I have nothing to compare it to. Being a parent during the pandemic is a lot to juggle. You end up not working as hard as you once did. But you end up being okay with it, because there’s a lot to do and you have to think about mental health, too.

I’m grateful that it happened like this, because for all the horrible things that happened, Nico gets to grow up around his grandparents. He gets a more communal upbringing. My partner Eric and I get to spend every day with him. He’s been doing this army crawl and just today, he crawled on his knees for the first time, and I got to see it—that’s so cool! I get to witness every increment of development, and that’s amazing and beautiful.

Silvia Llopis and her baby Nico sitting on a blacket in teh park wearing Levi'sSilvia Llopis and her baby Nico sitting on a blacket in teh park wearing Levi's