What We’re Wearing Vol.23


July 2021


School’s back — no, for real. Thanks to the pandemic, the prospect of a full year of in-person schooling feels like a gift, not an obligation. Kids’ enthusiasm gives an extra boost to this back-to-school season, as they step away from their computers—as much as that’s possible—and start the year in person and in style. We checked in with some Levi’s® kids—and their families—about how they dressed while stuck at home, what they’re looking forward to this fall, and what (if anything) they’ll miss about doing school at home.


Joseph, 12

Sareen, 8

“Everyone in our family did their best to keep ‘normal’ as possible. We did our best to get up and get dressed and start our day at work and at school,” says Dina Papp, Levi’s® Senior Director, Merchandising. “However, throughout the past 15 months, we definitely had our share of school online classes in cool PJs and work Zoom calls that incorporated work-ready tops and comfort below the keyboard!” Away from the camera, Joseph favors slim, destructed jeans and a Trucker Jacket—also a favorite of Sereen, who likes denim shorts too. The kids have gotten into Levi’s® fleece and hoodies as well, “Because SF is always cold,” Joseph says. Now that they’re heading back to the classroom full time, will they miss distance learning? “I liked having no interruptions and getting my work done,” Joseph says. His sister adds, “I liked how the teacher was able to check in with all of us at one time and didn't have to go to each and every student separately.” Are they nervous to return? “No, super excited to be back and seeing all our friends and teachers!” they say. “Hope there’s not a lot of work!”


Nicholas, 12

“I wouldn’t say our style has necessarily changed,” says Ashley Aleksintser, Levi’s® Assistant Manager, Content Marketing, “but we definitely haven’t had many opportunities to dress up or feel more put together as we used to—which I definitely have missed at times!”

Her brother, Nicholas, had limited options. “I have a school uniform,” he says, “but when I didn’t, I always wore skateboard pants and a T-shirt.” His big sister notes he tends to wear Levi’s® navy chinos and T-shirt, which suit his skater look.

The uniform came from going to a new school—tough at any time, but especially during a pandemic. “I was nervous at first, since I started a new school during COVID, but I made lots of friends on Zoom breakout rooms and started having some playdates and going into school twice a week.”

Now it’ll be five days a week, which feels like a whole new world. “I’m most excited about being with my friends every day, including in all of my classes and during lunch time.” THE KAWAII KID


Cherry, 9

“We have thrifted off a lot of nonessentials and now really think thoroughly before buying more things,” says Steve Burns, Levi’s® Design Director for Men’s Bottoms. He and his family took time during the pandemic to simplify. It wasn’t a style change per se, “But wardrobes have definitely been downsized to must-haves and family favorites,” he adds.

Among those favorites for 9-year-old Cherry? Pieces from the Levi’s® x Hello Kitty collaboration. “Cherry is really into Kawaii style, so the collab is a perfect match,” says her dad, adding she has three hoodies from the collection. (Hey, no one ever said “essential” just meant “one.”)

Heading into the new school year, Cherry is both nervous and excited—nervous about “being quite close to other people,” she says, but excited about “being able to see my teacher and my friends again.” A lot of people—young and old—have the same feelings as life returns to normalcy.
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Marc, 9

“Every new school year, I put a red packet—lai see—in my kid's school as a blessing for a new start and wishing him a great year ahead,” says Corinne Cook, Levi’s® Manager, Brand Marketing, in Hong Kong. It’s her way of helping Marc start the new school year right.

Picking what to wear is easy for him—he’s required to wear a school uniform, but he can dress more casually on special occasions. Away from school during the pandemic, he and his family have preferred casual, easy-to-clean clothes that are “more comfy, stretchy, and loose,” says Corinne.

Asked what he’s most excited about this fall, Marc is emphatic: “Resuming full days of school! No more Zoom, please!”
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Avery, 11

Jett, 9

People who live in the Bay Area understand the importance of layering—though it’s less of a thing while stuck at home during the pandemic. “A few less layers, but overall, the kids still wanted to look good for the camera and their friends,” says Mark Foxton, Levi’s® Head of Global Partnerships and Collaborations.

Speaking of that, when asked what they’re most looking forward to during the new school year, the kids have a singular focus: “Friends, friends, and did we say friends? The social part of school.” (Though Avery adds, “And no more tests online!”)

When it comes to looking good for their friends—online or in person—Jett wears a Levi’s® pullover hoodie “at least four days a week,” according to Mark, and Avery favors the pink Levi’s® logo crewneck and 721 High-Rise Jeans.

The family has some traditions on the first day of school: taking a photo, measuring the kids’ height, and eating a special breakfast. As exciting as a return to school full-time is, there are some things the pair will miss, like home lunches—and the “short commute from bed to desk.”

Right there with you, kids.
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