May 2021

Three shots of ShaiThree shots of Shai

SHAI GILGEOUS-ALEXANDER: Yeah, growing up, I loved shopping at a young age. Even if I didn't buy anything, I was going to the mall just to look at clothes, you know what I'm saying? That's where I expanded my creativity. Just seeing things, seeing what I like and don't like, and then getting to a point in my life where I can branch out and really express myself through my clothes.

So really it was something that I had growing up and when I was young. And yeah, Niga was my first, I guess, seeing it on that platform. For me, it's always been about comfort. So whether it's jeans, and I tend to wear more baggy jeans because slimmer fitting jeans are a little bit tighter and less comfortable. Whether it's a nylon material, whatever it is, it's got to be comfortable. I think that's the first thing for me. It's got to look good and be comfortable. So I would say like that's just really I guess my mindset going about it. Like I got to make sure I look good, but I also am comfortable with myself.