Brandon Flynn's Beauty of Becoming Film Transcript

CampaignsBeauty of Becoming
June 2021

Brandon Flynn sitting at a desk in a field of flowersBrandon Flynn sitting at a desk in a field of flowers

BRANDON FLYNN: My name is Brandon Flynn. Think the moment that launched me into activism was around the time I think that I came out and was around school and was around family members and I was new to myself but also I was in spaces where people didn’t know how to interact with me and I think showing people how to love me, how to think of me, I think that is activism so I think I’ve been involved in activism in small ways and in big ways since I was probably around 14. If I could advise my 14 year old self in regards to the journey of becoming, I would tell him something along the lines of know that the more you lean into expressing how you really feel and expressing what you really need, you will slowly day by day fall into a pattern of becoming who you want to be.

Watch Brandon’s Beauty of Becoming video below.